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Target Start Value Examples

When to use Target Start Values

The default target start value (TSV ) for a performance target is zero. This is fine for targets that start from nothing for example number of HEBCIS Graduate start up's when the program has only just been introduced, or number of council houses fitted with energy efficient boilers where before none had been installed.

However, in many cases progress has already been made or at least a baseline is in place. In these cases, if the target is running year on year the TSV will automatically populate with the previous outturn anyway (this default will be an option in later releases beyond 5.0) but for new targets the user can put in the baseline number forcing a more realistic assessment of performance through the target duration.

In some cases the target may in fact be a threshold level that mustn't be exceeded during any one measurement period, e.g. the ICRP level of radioactivity in shellfish or the number of homeless cases in which case the TSV would be set the same as the target level.


Example 1:

A target is set for 75% graduate business course approval running one year and measured and reported quarterly as a snapshot. High is good.

The previous year the measured approval was 73.23%. The new target's start value is therefore a default of 73.23%.

Without any phase targets the system will calculate the expected level of approval each quarter until the target ends (in this example Q1=73.69, Q2=74.13, Q3=74.56 and Q4=75). If in the first quarter the measured value is 74% approval the system will show that the measure is over-achieving.

Example 2:

An annual target is set to 5% student drop out after one year and measured and reported each term as a snapshot. Low is good. School has four terms.

The previous year there was a 17% drop out in the last term. The new target's start value is therefore a default of 17.

Without any phase targets (in practice months during student holiday would be phased) the system will calculate the expected level of drop out each term until the target ends (in this example the first term would be 14, the second 11, third 8 final 5). If the reported drop out rate was 12 for the first month,the system would report the target as overachieving.

Example 3.

A local Council expects to maintain levels of monthly homelessness to be below 5 each month. In this case, the Council should set the target start value as 5. Any values less than 5 for any months would show over-achieving or on target and any values greater each month would show behind or failing and thus flag the relevant social services to take rapid and remedial action.