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Strategy Map Performance Target Items

Performance targets are defined by performance indicators and attached to measurable items in the strategy map. Without the strategy map you cannot have performance targets in the Escendency system. Similarly, without active performance targets attached to the strategy map and without contributions set (see Strategic Contributions on the next page) you cannot report on target performance progress.

Although performance targets are typically associated with items in the strategy map labeled as targets, they don't have to be. Any strategy map object if checked as measurable can have any number of performance targets associated with it.

For detailed steps for creating performance targets in the strategy map see performance target help but basically the following is required at a minimum:

The target set up is then initiated in the strategy map by right clicking on a measurable map item:

The performance indicator can be created from the wizard directly by clicking the new button or from selecting from a dropdown list of previously created indicators.

Escendency recommends labeling the strategy map target item, performance target and indicator similarly to avoid confusion but with the target name also containing the duration and target value. In the example above the strategy map item and the indicator is called "NI 188: Adapting to Climate Change". The target could be called "NI 188: Adapting to Climate Change - 100% (2008/9)".

For a full description on setting up performance targets see Creating performance targets. However, it is recommended that administrators have a clear understanding of setting up Performance indicators first.

Nesting measurable strategy map Items

It is possible to nest measurable strategy map items: A performance target might depend on seveal other targets, e.g. a target of increasing the SAP of Council homes by 10% could comprise subordinate targets of increasing the number of energy efficient boiler installations, loft installations, increase the domestic use of solar panels, wind turbines etc:

Primary Aim
Secondary Aim
Primary Objective
Secondary Objective
Primary Target
Secondary Target

However, to avoid confusion in performance target graphs, the nested measurable items should not have any contribution weighting. It is their completion alone that will satisfy the parent's status.

Note: the contribution declares how important the item is to the organisation's top level objective relative to others at the same level. It is important to be aware that no matter how high you weight a particular map item its affect will be capped at the next level above it (one attraction of the flat strategy map model is that all targets impact directly the organisation's top level ) unless the contribution of its parent is also increased (normalised). Normalisation is the manual (automatic option pending issue JUDI 562) summing of each brunch up the tree. See Strategic Contributions module on the next page for more information.
