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Group Reports: My Strategic Overview

The My Strategic Overview report shows the relative contributions of the user's assignments to the strategy map via the reporting groups module to the overall success of the organisation's vision. The report displays those components of the strategy map the user is responsible for in relation to the whole strategy map and breaks them down by contribution, contribution to the parent item and contribution to the whole vision.

By selecting the 'show navigation icons' the user can also choose to display overdue measurement/validation tasks, action plans, performance indicator measurement graph, historic information on related peformance indicator, definition of the relevant performance indicator, and also export the report in html format.

Figure 1: An example of a Strategic Overview report with 'Show Contributions', 'Show Quartile Info', and 'Show Navigation Icons' checked and the user's relevant strategic components expanded. Components and contributions greyed out are not the user's responsibility

Clicking on the navigation icons on the right of the status icons displays more information on the user's strategic contribution/s (see status and navigation icon table below). For example, clicking on the graph icon for a performance indicator produces a full PI graph and report (see example Performance Indicator report):

Status IconsNavigation Icons
warning Target at risk of failing flag Action Plan
double warning Target failing histogram Graph
query triangle Target not assessed CD histogram Historic / Archived Performance Indicator values
tick with warning Target overachieving document Performance Indicator template
graph ascending Performance target is in upper quartile (good) exit Export report
graph descending Performance target is in lower quartile (not good)
no measurement Measurement task overdue
clock face Measurement task due
double tick Validation task due
no ticks Validation task overdue
Table 1: Status and Navigation icons associated with My Strategic Overview report.

Note: If the performance targets have been set up with lower and upper quartile values (see performance targets help) these can be displayed by clicking the 'Quartile Info' checkbox. The tree will need to be expanded down to performance target level to view the quartile report icon (click on the '+' icon next to status icons until performance target level is reached).

Note: Contributions can be weighted (see Strategic Contributions help and Editing Strategy Map Items in Strategy Map help). Performance on an item weighted as relatively unimportant will have less effect on the corporate performance overview than performance on an item that is weighted as important. In the example in figure 6 the weighting of performance target 2.1a is 1 (it's contribution is split evenly between the total of 4 performance targets - they all have a ctp of 25.00%). However, if the weighting of 2.1a was 2 the system would calculate its ctp as 40% (the other sibling performance targets would be 20% each if their weighting remained unchanged).

The icons in this report follow the Escendency icon and colour coding standards. Not all the icons that could be displayed for this report are illustrated in the example above. For additional explanation of these and other symbols used in this and other Escendency reports, see icon coding and drill down icons in the control panel help.

Like all Escendency reports the My Strategic Overview report can be exported so that a snap shot can be saved on file as and when required (to do this scroll to the bottom of the report and select the Export Report icon and follow the default). Because of the number of components in the report the file will be saved as a zip file. Users with Windows XP can use the default zipping utility to unzip the file while users of older machines will need a third party zip software.